
Our goal is to provide you with the power to concentrate fully on your primary business operations. With our expert handling of Microsoft Azure and Office 365 administration, we ensure that the security, reliability, and performance of your data and digital assets are fully optimized. Our services safeguard your business infrastructure, allowing us to efficiently manage the complexities of digital security and data integrity so that you can focus on your business growth.

Tenant Administration

Tenant management primarily focuses on efficient user, email, and license administration, allowing you to swiftly onboard new team members and assign them appropriate permissions based on their roles. Email management capabilities include the creation and control of mailboxes, establishment of email policies, and setting up forwarding rules, ensuring streamlined communication.

Data Loss Prevention

Data Loss Prevention identifies, monitors, and automatically protects sensitive information across the suite. Leveraging predefined or custom policies, DLP prevents inadvertent data leaks through emails, documents, and chats, maintaining compliance with industry regulations and preserving the confidentiality of business information.

Authentication Security

Authentication Security employs robust measures like multi-factor authentication, conditional access policies, and risk-based adaptive access controls. These provisions safeguard user credentials, ensuring only verified individuals access resources, thereby significantly reducing the potential for security breaches.

Litigation Hold

Litigation Hold preserves all emails, documents, and other content in the system, indefinitely or for a specified period. This feature is crucial during legal proceedings, ensuring that potentially relevant electronic evidence is not destroyed and remains available for eDiscovery.

Tenant Administration

Tenant management involves a host of daily service operations to ensure smooth running of the organization's digital infrastructure.

User Management

Admins add, remove, or manage users, set up user roles and permissions based on their role in the organization. They also manage user groups for easier permission management and communication.


Administrators assign, monitor, and manage licenses for different Office 365 applications. This ensures employees have access to the tools they need, and the organization is compliant with
Microsoft's licensing agreements.

Mailbox Management

Administrators can create and manage Exchange mailboxes, control mailbox permissions, manage email address policies, and set up forwarding rules. 

Service Health Monitoring

Administrators monitor service health and manage service requests or incidents to ensure continuity and minimal disruption in service.

Authentication Security

Authentication Security is a collection of services that make sure the right people are accessing your resources. It first checks who you are (authentication) and then allows you access to the things you need (authorization). It starts with confirming your identity through a password, but it also includes more advanced ways like using more than one method to prove who you are (Multi-Factor Authentication), or using unique physical traits like fingerprints (Biometric Authentication).

Blocking Untrusted Locations

Set a policy that restricts access based on the user's network location, preventing access from unknown or untrusted locations.

Controlling Based on Device Status

Implement a policy requiring devices to be up-to-date and
compliant with security measures before granting access to company resources.

Securing High-Risk Apps

Establish stricter access controls for high-risk applications that handle sensitive data via tailored conditional access policies.

Enforcing Multi-Factor Authentication

Use conditional access policies to require multi-factor authentication, increasing security when employees access corporate resources.

Data Loss Prevention

Microsoft's Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is a solution designed to identify, monitor, and protect sensitive information across several Microsoft services. DLP helps organizations prevent data loss, maintain compliance, and detect risky behavior.

Protecting Sensitive Information

DLP policies can automatically identify and protect sensitive data such as credit card numbers or personally identifiable information across Microsoft services like Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Teams.

Preventing Data Leaks

DLP can detect when sensitive information is being sent outside of your organization, such as via email, and take preventative action.

Regulatory Compliance

DLP helps organizations comply with various regulations by ensuring sensitive data types related to these regulations aren't improperly shared or stored.

Monitoring and Reporting

DLP provides detailed reporting and monitoring capabilities, enabling you to track and investigate incidents involving sensitive data. This is particularly useful for identifying  patterns of behavior that might pose a risk to your organization, helping you proactively manage potential data security issues.

Litigation Hold

Litigation Hold is a feature that preserves all mailbox content in the context of pending or anticipated litigation, investigation, or audit. It suspends any retention policy or automatic deletion for a specified duration to ensure that electronically stored information remains untouched and available.

Legal Proceedings

Anticipating a legal action, a Litigation Hold can be placed on specific employee mailboxes to preserve all relevant communication and documents.

Ongoing Lawsuit

During a lawsuit, Litigation Hold ensures all related information remains unaltered, meeting legal and discovery obligations

Regulatory Compliance

In regulated industries, Litigation Hold can be used as a tool
for data retention, helping meet compliance requirements and avoid penalties

Employee Dismissal

In case of contentious employee dismissal, a Litigation Hold on
the former employee